Holy Communion

We celebrate Communion the first Sunday of each month. During Communion our pastor and an assistant will hold a plate of bread and non-alcoholic grape juice. Participants come forward to receive the bread and dip it into the juice. The special service of Communion is always outlined in the weekly bulletin. We welcome you to participate in this joyous event.

All are welcome at the table Jesus set.

Meaning of Communion

The communion meal recalls the table fellowship Jesus shared with his disciples, and in particular the Last Supper on the night before his death as well as his appearances to the disciples during meals following his resurrection. Throughout its history these Biblical events have been central to the Church’s worship life.

In the sacrament of Holy Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist, meaning “thanksgiving,” Christians hear, taste, touch and receive the grace of God revealed through Jesus Christ in a unique way. Communion is:

  • a joyous act of thanksgiving for all God has done, is doing, and will do for the redeeming of creation;
  • a sacred memorial of the crucified and risen Christ, a living and effective sign of Christ’s sacrifice in which Christ is truly and rightly present to those who eat and drink;
  • an earnest prayer for the presence of the Holy Spirit to unite those who partake with the Risen Christ and with each other, and to restore creation, making all things new;
  • an intimate experience of fellowship in which the whole church in every time and place is present and divisions are overcome;
  • a hopeful sign of the promised Realm of God marked by justice, love and peace.